International Karate Association

College of the Martial Arts
Fairbanks, Alaska
Kaari Wesh
I started training here at IKA_AK when I was 6yo. I was terrified and cried for the first 2 weeks. Now, I connot imagine my life without karate. I learned to be a leader, a teacher, and a mentor. I have better balance and flexibility and I am stronger both mentally and physically. I feel confident in my reactions and my ability to protect myself should I need to. The people are like a second family to me. The comradery and support is amazing here.
Heather Razz
So much fun for all ages!!! Great instructors!!
Dante Conley
Hanshi Scott is an amazing instructor (and philosopher). I am thrilled to have him in my children's life?
Paul O'Brien
Different kinds of Martial Arts!
Patty W.
cannot say enough about how wonderful Hanshi Scott is! My son loves it at the dojo. He learns valuable lessons about martial arts from a master but just as importantly he learns respect and builds confidence. He learns how to defend himself and he even learns about posture and how to carry yourself so you won't need to fight. He learns about how important it is to be on time. He watches children younger and smaller than him deliver powerful kicks and punches and execute moves with skill and pride.He learns kindness and how to work with a partner to become more skilled. As he rises through the belt levels he learns humility and leadership.This is not a school that "gives" away belts--each is hard earned--each is won. IKA is about excellence but it is also about life lessons. I am proud to have my son attend.
Kendra Harter
Coming to IKA has greatly impacted my life. What started as a curiosity to explore something I've always wanted to do as a child has empowered me to be a stronger, more driven, and better person for myself and to the community.
Andrea R.
I wanted to thank Charles for teaching me. His experience in teaching all ages and all levels really showed through, since I had never taken a martial art before. I was also going through a difficult time, and not only did the class help boost my confidence that I was a capable person, Charles in particular was able to "teach through" my mental state, which would have otherwise been an obstacle to learning.
I also had an exchange with him which was probably much more memorable to me than him. He picked out that I was Latina without any hints from me. I was shocked because I don't "look" like what many Americans think of as Latina. It made me feel seen, for the first time.
I got through my difficult time, and my husband and I now have a whip-smart five year old daughter who loves princesses and super heros.
I wish Charles, and his school, the very best.
Erical Lynn Kingkade
Mr. Scott and Mr. Mike spent an entire class working with my very nervous 5 year old daughter to feel comfortable on her first day. The amount of kindness and patience she was shown goes above and beyond.
Mike McGraw
This is the most traditional Karate dojo in Fairbanks and possibly in the whole of Alaska. Hanshi Charles Scott has been teaching traditional Shudokan Karate for over 50 years and Alaska is privileged to have someone of his caliber and experience available in the interior to teach them and or their kids. Hanshi Charles Scott has been an educator, principle, coach and Sensei to many of us in Fairbanks over the years and has helped shape the future of Fairbanks by teaching basic precepts of honesty and fortitude to many of us who have lived here for years. He teaches not only Karate but Jujitsu, Kung Fu, Aikido and Iaiado as well as having coached wrestling and football. If you or your children want to learn from one of the best Martial artists recognized across the country, you should sign up for a great experience. Osu!!