International Karate Association

College of the Martial Arts
Fairbanks, Alaska

-The dojo is a place to learn.
-Students must honor the dojo and practice respect for other students.
-The dojo rules facilitate learning and promote safety.
-The dojo rules should be observed from the moment you enter the dojo.
-Hanshi Scott always has overriding authority over all of these rules!
-Always listen to the instructor and do exactly what he or she says immediately.
Bow and say "Osu!" when entering and leaving the dojo.
Be serious and alert at all times. There is no playing on the training floor.
Spectators should not create distractions.
Always answer the instructor loudly and clearly with "Osu!" It is proper to call your instructor “Hanshi”, "Renshi", "Shihan-dai", or "Sensei" respectively.
There will be no free sparring unless an instructor is on the training floor and actively supervising.
If asked for help by another student, be honest. if you do not know the answer to a question ask a higher ranking black belt to assist you.
There are no shoes permitted on the training floor. Please remove your shoes on the mat and place them to the side so others do not trip over them.
No spitting or chewing gum in class.
Eye glasses, contact lenses and hearing aids are permitted, but at your own risk.
If you must leave class early please speak with the instructor to be granted permission.
Due to security and safety all metal jewelry necklaces, earrings and rings should be removed prior to entering the training floor.
Nails on the hands and feet should be trimmed short as not in inflict unnecessary injury on your partner.
Your Gi or uniform should be cleaned regularly and free of major wrinkles, stains, holes, or tears. Rips are to be mended as to keep a clean and respectful appearance. Your gi should be folded properly to prevent wrinkling at the end of each class.
Students must always be helpful and courteous to lower ranks
Absolutely no profanity in the dojo.
Absolutely no food in the dojo.
All students interested in tournament competition must obtain permission from Hanshi to participate.
All sparring must be supervised by a black belt. No unsupervised sparring or horseplay.
No student is to teach another student in the dojo or at home unless instructed to do so by Hanshi or an instructor.
Always arrive before class is scheduled to start.
Always sign in to mark your attendance. In some instances this is a record to determine what students are ready for testing.
Wear your gi to class, or if you carry your gi with you, change into it quickly. Your gi should be free of stains and holes as a sign of respect.
Upon arriving, bow at the entrance to the training floor. If others are entering, wait your turn and bow properly. Say "Osu!" with plenty of spirit when you bow in.
Please do not socialize on the training floor while a class is in session as this is distracting to other students.
Use time before class to stretch and do kata to warm up. If you must speak, speak softly.
Advanced ranks are expected to assist with kid’s karate class. The best way for you to learn is to teach.
When the instructor enters the floor, stop talking and follow instructions closely.
During class, only talk to other students if absolutely necessary, or if you are instructed to do so. Do not create distractions.
Save questions until the instructor asks for them. At that time, raise your hand high in the direction of the instructor for permission to ask. Always say "Osu! Thank you!" after your question is has been addressed.
When moving to a new spot, always step back and move behind and outside the lines of other students. Never walk in front of or through the middle of lines as you may get struck.
If you become injured (get a cramp, or experience loss of breath, etc.), step quietly to the closest wall to recover. Rejoin the class as soon as you are reasonably able to do so.
If you must leave the training floor during class for any reason, ask permission. Bow and say "Osu!" as you leave and again when you return.
When adjusting your gi or belt during class, it is respectful to turn your back to the class and instructors when doing so.
When the head instructor is demonstrating students should kneel and sit in seiza position. If you are recovering from surgery or injury which makes sitting in this position unbearable you are permitted to stand in mitsubidachi with your hands at your sides in attention. If you are strong and able you are expected to kneel. Not doing so is a sign of disrespect.
Upon working with a new partner in class it is customary to say “onigashimasu” when bowing as a means to foster good spirit and indicate you are ready to work with a positive mindset.
Never sit or stand with your arms folded or crossed. It is believed that this creates a mental block within your mind. In order to best absorb knowledge one must have an open mind.
Pay attention to any announcements.
After class ends, you may talk. If another class is waiting, leave the training floor and continue conversation elsewhere so the next class can warm up.
As you leave, turn to face the training floor, bow and say "Osu".
Gather all personal belongings (bags, clothing, drinks, shoes, etc.) before leaving the dojo. Do not any leave personal belongings in the dojo between classes, unless permitted by Hanshi Scott.
If another class has already started, leave the dojo without creating a distraction.
![]() 1) Lay the gi jacket flat | ![]() 2) Center your pants on your jacket. |
![]() 3) Fold over both arms to the center--make sure its even! | ![]() 4) Starting at the bottom of jack fold gi in thirds |
![]() 5) With your belt folded in half, wrap it around your gi. | ![]() 6) All set! Sling it over your shoulder, you are ready to go. |
* All martial art students should and are expected to uphold a good moral character. Remember, everything you do in the dojo or at an event (tournament), you represent the International Karate Association and most importantly, you represent yourself!